...and I am. With the completion of my final examinations, I can finally relax, take a breath and BURN EVERYTHING THAT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH EDUCATION... except for my RAF documents, and my car insurance policies.
Note: I have created a new header. One which is more up-to-date and relevant.
The plan as it stands now is to wait for the weekend to trot along, so that I am able to go and literally burn all the work I ever did at school including the cremation of the folders I used. And just for the hell of it, I'll also be burning 105 Tesco for Schools and Clubs vouchers - because I don't give a shit and I can. You may currently be asking yourself "well, how is he burning them?". The answer I would give to that is simply, "with fire, dumbass". Now go and jump on my burning tesco vouchers and die.
Throughout my exams, with the buildup of stress, I have found a new corner of music I am happy to go to. I can now easily listen to any kind of music including the new genre which I have now officially grasped - Rock. I hope you are familiar with Muse and possibly even Alter Bridge?
At the start of the exam season, I made the decision to burn a match for every wrong thing that Gordon Brown had done on each day throughout exam season. I ran out of matches after 2 days and decided it would be too expensive to continue that venture - so I used the last match on burning the matchbox with an ant in it. I don't know why I killed an ant - I am sure God wouldn't be happy about it. Oh wait, he doesn't exist.
Continuing with the topic of burning all of my A Level work, I looked down to my left and grasped reality by the neck, when I noticed possibly about 1000 pages of paper and 5 ringbinder folders. I ask myself, will black or white smoke rise from the fire? Hopefully its ordinary smoke, so that I don't upset the RAF Police.
In other news, when I originally purchased my first car, taxed it, and insured it (with Tesco), I set my insurance to be valid up to 5000 miles of driving on the policy. I exceeded this within 8 months and when I phoned them up, I hinted that I would need an increase of an extra 4000 miles on the policy, bringing it to 9000 miles. It cost me £30! Just £30! THANK YOU TESCO!
wouldn't you be happy to get one of these?
This raises the question of what is the difference between Tesco Value and Tesco Finest? I don't see much difference to be honest - the valentines cards look great and I'll be buying one for next years Valentines Day for one lucky lucky girl. What about other items though?
I would happily go for the Automated Sentry Gun. I am guessing it would only cost about 17p...the same as a huge pack of Tesco Value Bourbons!
Not sure about the Vasectomy though...
And on that bombshell, I'm off to eat fuck loads of cheese.