Family Guy is an animated American television show which was dreamt up and created by some hairy fat guy called Seth MacFarlane which hits the TV screens pretty much everywhere. The show centres on a dysfunctional family that lives in the town of Quahog, Rhode Island.
Not counting The Bill (ITV1) and NCIS (five), Family Guy has to be one of my favourite programmes to watch on the television. It is hilarious and tells jokes that come so quick, they are as fast as a tramp on chips and the jokes provide me, and billions of others with the highest level of laughter I have experienced.
I have watched endless episodes and I have also watched the epic film that they had released and I laughed so hard every time, that my jaw hurted.
I should say no more as you should now already be compelled to view a few episodes of Family Guy.
I recommend the episode called Brian: Portrait of a Dog. You get to hear Stewie bumbounce whilst saying "Lets get a kitty!".
If I had the time, and could be bothered to put the effort in (as these posts keep coming too quickly), I would have written more but as I need to leave for the weekend in 2 minutes, I am slightly out of time. I may decide to update this on monday or something, but I guess you will have to wait and see!
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