In my opinion, Air Racing is a sport. It involves athletes in a way, has many worldwide fans, and it is reknowned worldwide for its intensity and it requires the highest level of skill. It is right at the top of a scale of epicness, where Wrestling doesn't even feature (men pretending to hurt each other while they wear latex costumes - its a "sport" for gays.).
But what is required of the pilots? Well they need to navigate round a course specific to the location of the world it is taking place. They have posts they need to navigate round or through in a specific way such as flying through a gate at a 'knife edge', and performing a slalom of gates.
Yes, it is that simple...except for when you consider the fact that you need to know how to fly an aircraft, cope with G force and navigate the ever-changing courses!
The best thing is, anyone with an appropriate flying license can take part. Saying that, you would need to be a good pilot and able to withold pulling high G withing GLOCing (Gravity-induced Loss Of Conciousness).

I am sure you are all aware of the Red Bull Air Race. If you aren't, you should hang your head in shame and step off a cliff. This air race is known internationally and is truly epic.
The world's best pilots coming together to complete a challenging course pulling massive G forces, straining every part of your body. Nations competing against nations, sometimes it becoming a personal thing to not lose to another Pilot, also fueled by ego.
It is something I would like to try out myself, if I became a successful fast-jet pilot though. I notice one of the British pilots that fly in the Red Bull Air Race is actually a commercial airline pilot. I would love to fly with him one day!
But what is missing from the Red Bull Air Race? The crashes, the very near misses, the gasping from the crowd as a near-disaster is only just avoided. These pilots don't run on blood when taking part, their blood is taken over by adrenaline.
Being a huge fan of the Red Bull Air Race, I watch it like a religion. I have only ever seen a few near misses. I want explosions as people crash, I want pilots ejecting at the last second, or pilots shouting "I will crash and burn along with my aircraft!" and plummetting into the ground.

It isn't a nice image, nor is it something nice to think about, as being a flyer myself, having a problem in mid-air leaves you completely isolated. Your heart beats faster, adrenaline pumps around your body, but your training takes over and you can just think of what could happen in a matter of seconds...and it really is over in a few seconds if you don't act quickly enough.
Anyway, it is an epic sport which can be enjoyed by everyone. It brings so many emotions together. It gives you ups, it gives you downs. It makes you smile with awe, and gasp with sheer fright.
You can only respect these guys...they are truly sportsmen and as a result, I salute them.
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