Monday, 23 February 2009

Lack of sleep

This will no doubt be a worthless post, so read on and bear with me, it'll never be this bad again...

All this nonsense in the news about lack of sleep causing you health problems and making you ill is fine to read about, but is it all really true?

I have tried it out so that I could report the things that have happened as I do think that some of the problems that are supposedly caused by a lack of sleep is farfetched and quite extreme. You could even say the theories are pumped full of steroids if you wanted to.

Since Thursday I have decided to starve my body of the minimum recommended sleep each night. It is recommended to sleep for 8 hours or more to keep healthy and not develop health problems due to lack of sleep and as a result of this I made sure each night, I had 3 hours sleep.

At first it was completely fine, I got up on the Friday morning bright and early to begin the day. Tiredness was present to begin with but after a few hours, and a good breakfast, it soon disappeared and allowed me to enjoy the day.

As the weekend arrived, I only had 2 hours to sleep on the Friday night due to having a lot of fun with colleagues at RAF Cosford. I woke up and got into my flying suit on the Saturday morning and felt groggy and fatigued but I fought on and didn't let the tiredness affect my work.

Skipping the boring bits, i.e. Sunday morning and afternoon, I sat up and waited for my parent's flight to land at Birmingham Airport. They were due in at 0025hrs. It turns out that at 0000hrs the website refreshed itself for me and the flight was now expected at 0052hrs. It was time for coffee.

I struggled to stay awake, and the flight gradually got held back that little bit more and finally landed at 0138hrs, much to my luck as I was worried about paying £7 for 45minutes in the carpark, so I wanted to just pay the £2 for 30minutes. Yes, I know, it is a rip off!

I got home at 0300hrs and went to bed. I obviously lay there waiting to go to sleep for a bit though. As I lay there, I realised it was a school night and in a few hours, it was the beginning of the 2nd half of the term.

Now, I understand this is a boring post to read but I simply do not care at this moment in time. I am on my 9th cup of coffee already in the 3 hours I have been home and I am still yawning away and achey and tired.

General recommendations are to sleep your 8 hours a night. I agree. I hope the theory that people who are lacking their sleep develop harder arteries and have a greater risk of heart disease is wrong because I have a lot to live for.

I got up this morning feeling slightly ill and my ears were completely blocked up and still will not clear. My fitness has declined a bit too as I managed 38 pressups before wanting a break on thursday where as today I managed 15. Quite a difference isn't it?

I think I should have a good night's sleep tonight.

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