Following the recent theme of sport amongst the Phenomenal Four group of bloggers, I decided to devote this post to ripped to shreds, the sport which is infact not a sport.
Wrestling is a bit like boxing in my eyes. The differences being:
- Boxers don't use scripts
- Boxers don't wear spandex or latex
- Boxers don't pretend to be hard, they are hard
- Boxing is a sport.
- Boxers aren't gay. Try telling that to their faces.
- Boxing is quite British.
Enough of the lists anyway. I could keep typing infinitely but it is not something I want to do. It would prefer spooning my eyes out and feeding them to my dog. That would be more fun than creating a massive list for you all to read and get bored with very quickly.
I decided that before I would type this post, I would do my research. This involved me googling a great deal of keywords about wrestling and watching a healthy number of YouTube videos which did prove Wrestling was 100% fake. I also spent the time looking at funny wrestling pictures like this...
If you do not agree with the fact that wrestling is not and sport and is also completely fake, then go to YouTube and type "fake wrestling". You get results like this...
As I am sure you are now aware, I am in touch with reality and am very technologically ahead of most people today.
Back to the topic on hand. As you can see by the video above, wrestling is very faked. The participants are simply actors who are pumped full of steroids. Not athletes as some people may call them, and they are certainly not Sportsmen or Sportswomen. They are actors.
It's about time you Wrestling fans realised this and jumped off your high horse and stared at the truth.
The reason why it is loved so much in America is because the people who live in that country are too damn stupid to realise how the kicks are near-misses, not full impacts, and that when someone flies into the air and goes over the ropes, that person induced that himself.
Like the title suggests. They are no more than ballet dancers in a spandex or latex costume. Sweating all over each other as the men lie on each other in a gay fashion. Pressing genitals into one another to see who gets the hard-on first.
These actors are probably paid as much as a top level footballer. But they are paid a lot to fake a game. It all seems to be a con to me now I come to think about it in more detail. People flock to the arena to watch the fight, probably pay US$100's to go and see it.
What do they get in return? They get to watch a real sport. They get to watch pain enter the eyes of the man who is being attacked and beaten to a pulp. NO. They get to watch gays dancing about pretending to fight.
They may aswell create another crap sport and call it American Football...because that wouldn't be copying the British with their sport called Rugby now would it? Oh no, definately not. Its like the Americans actually won World War 2 single handedly. And for anyone who thinks they did, the British did. The Americans followed us about.
I am sure a number of people would have a problem with this post. If you are one of those people, grab a knife and stick it in your eye. Then tell someone who cares because you are obviously too stupid to realise how fake and how scripted Wrestling is.
It is not a sport.
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